Tag: philadelphia

Small Business Owners in Philly Metro are Excited about 2016

Sixty-two percent of respondents to the Small Business Pulse Check conducted by TD Bank said they were “optimistic” or “excited” about 2016 and the overwhelming majority of the small business owners who responded indicated that they would close out 2015 strong, most of which expected to meet or exceed their annual revenue goals. New Jersey […]

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Glaxo loses jobs, Camden gains a headquarters & sustainable offices evolve

GlaxoSmithKline’s looming job cuts Earlier this fall it became known that GlaxoSmithKline, British drugmaker, was planning a restructuring of their U.S. operations over the next three years. GSK plans to eliminate $1.57 billion in annual expenses. Details began to surface early this week (read more on njbiz.com)  and fears that some of the jobs located […]

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