December 12, 2014
TASK Holiday Donation Update

And by update- we mean thank you!
The collection is off to a great start in its first week, thank you so much to everyone who has participated so far! We have been able to fill our donation box & then some.
There is one more week to help out- unfortunately we have hit the cut off for holiday gifts, but food donations will be accepted up until the 22nd.
If you haven’t had a chance to participate yet here are the details:
Food Donation for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK)
Where: Lobby of 200 PrincetonSouth Corporate Center, Ewing, NJ 08628
When: From now until the morning of Monday, December 22nd
What: Nonperishable food items (no glass containers)- some wish list items are found here: TASK Food Drive Flyer.
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