
November 4, 2014

Marketour: The Easiest Way to Find Your New Office

You may have noticed a new feature on our website- Marketour. Have you checked it out yet?

Marketour is a tool for any company interested in learning more about office space in the Princeton Market.

“Marketour started out as an in-house presentation tool years ago. Working with our tenant representation clients, we realized just how useful having an unbiased, birds eye view of the entire Princeton market is. We eat, breath and sleep this market, so we are constantly aware of what is and isn’t available. Our clients are too busy running their own businesses to pay attention to that.” explains CEO, Aubrey Haines. “With Marketour, companies can browse the market, get a sense of what’s out there and then give us a call to discuss their options. Marketour helps our clients leverage their valuable time and allows us to focus on the most important aspect of a commercial real estate transaction- the art of the deal.”

President, Sab Russo says, “Marketour is dynamic and we plan to continue to make changes and additions to create a better tool for companies searching for office space.”

Currently, the public version is available on the website. A version with significantly more information is available to Mercer Oak clients provided with a dedicated login.

Whether you’re looking to move in the next 6 months or just want to get a better idea of whats out there for future plans- Marketour is the easiest way to find your new office.

Check it out:

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