
July 22, 2014

Trenton: New Mayor, New Plan

Trenton 250

Mercer Oak Realty was in attendance last week at the recently renovated Wyndham Garden on West Lafayette Street in the Capitol City as MIDJersey Chamber welcomed Trenton’s newly-elected Mayor Eric Jackson and learned more about the Trenton250 plan.

Opening remarks were delivered by the Honorable Eric Jackson, a Capitol City native and Fairleigh Dickinson graduate. Jackson had a 17 year career with the City of Trenton before taking the position of City Public Works Director in Plainfield, NJ and then returning to Trenton in July, this time as Mayor.

Mayor Jackson addressed the business community and made it clear that he was grateful for their support and aware of how important local industry is to helping Trenton realize its full potential.

“Having a Mayor in office who understands the role that the local business community can play in the revitalization of Trenton is key. The current GrowNJ tax incentives make Trenton an especially attractive option for a large company headquarters, creating a nearly rent-free scenario for up to 10 years in certain cases. For example, a property we represent, the proposed Vista Center, is an approved 25-story LEED platinum office tower located directed across from the Trenton Transit Center. That incentive package, coupled with a business friendly atmosphere and responsible government is integral to drawing a large company and up to 1,000 employees to Trenton. An influx of professionals spending their days in Trenton, many of them eventually moving there to be closer to work, would do wonders to kick-start the economy.” explains Sab Russo, President of Mercer Oak Realty.

The Trenton250 team presented its concept for achieving a community driven long-range Master Plan to guide Trenton through its 250th Anniversary (which will be in 2042). The concept behind Trenton250 is to gain a deeper understanding and knowledge of Trenton- its strengths and its weaknesses- and use that to create a vision that capitalizes on the city’s unique assets, and addresses its problem areas. Trenton250 is hoping to engage the community in every step of the process through various in-person and online forms.

Check out to learn more about the plan and become part of the discussion.

We look forward to seeing Trenton move forward into a bright future.

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